Project: WedLog

WedLog is a desktop application created for partners getting married that helps them manage the guests and vendors involved in the wedding. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java, and has about 10 kLoC. This project is based on AddressBook - Level 3.

Given below are my contributions to the project.


  1. New Feature: Added the ability to add guests and vendors.
    • What it does: Allows users to add new guests and vendors with all the associated fields to WedLog.
    • Justification: This feature is central to the product as users cannot manage guests and vendors without being able to add them.
    • Highlights: The implementation was challenging as guests and vendors had optional fields which users could choose not to fill in.

  1. New Feature: Added the ability to edit guests.
    • What it does: Allows the user to edit fields of a guest.
    • Justification: This feature improves the product significantly because a user may want to modify guest information and the app should provide an easy way to do so without having to remove and add the guest back.
    • Highlights: The implementation was challenging because guests have optional fields which can be removed by using empty prefixes in the edit command. This required a careful consideration of design alternatives.

  1. New Feature: Added the ability to filter guests by fields that stored information as tags (i.e., Dietary Requirements and Tags fields).
    • What it does: Allows users to filter all guests using tag fields.
    • Justification: This feature improves the product significantly as users may want to view all users that belong to a certain category (e.g. "vegans", or "classmates") without searching for them individually.
    • Highlights:
      • The implementation was challenging as unlike non-tag fields, tag fields can store multiple values (e.g. a guest may have two Dietary Requirements tags). Hence, there was a need to carefully consider use cases to decide on the final design where users can filter via multiple tags.
      • Ensured high test effectiveness and efficiency by applying test heuristics like equivalence partitions to test designs (see TagPredicateTest and GuestDietaryPredicateTest).

Code Contributed

RepoSense link


  • User Guide:
    • Added documentation for guest edit: #127
    • Updated documentation for guest add: #105
    • Updated documentation for vendor add: #106
    • Updated documentation for guest filter: #153
    • Enhanced Quick Start and FAQ sections: #276
    • Credits: FAQ section was reused with minor modifications from AY2324S1-CS2103T-W11-2.
  • Developer Guide:
    • Added implementation details of the add feature: #150, #268
    • Wrote Appendix D Effort: #268

Contributions to team tasks

  • Organised team meeting agenda based on weekly deliverables and tracked deadlines determined during team discussions.
  • Allocated issues identified in PED to team members on GitHub.
  • Managed release v1.4.
